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Mr. Rooter® Cookbook Cover Contest

After sharing some fun recipes with you lately, we need you to share something with us...your opinion. Our upcomingMr. Rootercookbook "Plunge Into Cooking" is missing one important thing - its cover - and this is where you come in.

We want your help in choosing our cover. You can check out below the two cover options. They each have their own flair.

We are excited to see which cover you select, so tweet your favorite post it on Facebook.

The recipes in theMr. Rootercookbook "Plunge Into Cooking" actually will come from ourMr. Rootershop owners and their employees across North America, as well as from our staff here at the corporate office. If you have a favorite recipe you'd like to share please email it to us

When people think of the plumbing industry they don't usually think of women. Here at Mr. Rooter Plumbing, we have a lot of women shop owners and employees, who you will get to meet through our cookbook and our Mondays for Moms blog recipes.

I am delighted to share with you the proceeds from each cookbook will benefit our Zees for Zees fund, which helps our new or struggling shop owners attend our annual conferences. These events help you, our customer, in the long run. A good cookbook for a good cause!

Here's wishing you a world class day.
